The new environment laws being adopted by the EU are forcing exporters around the world to change the way they make the products they exports. The laws also apply to Thai companies that export to Europe, so they better start planning for change now. Laws of the European Union (EU) are the most advanced in the world. They encourage manufacturers to use more materials easier and reduce waste at the end of product. The new laws set standards for electrical appliances, industrial waste, landfill management, and the disposal of cars, electrical appliances and chemicals. These stadards apply to both products. manufactured within Europe and products imported from outside of Europe. The new laws and standars will also create new laws and standars will also create new career opportunities and consulting opputunities for Thai engineers with knowledge and experience in the new standars.
In my opinion, I agree with this news because I want to change the way and save the world and something like that. I think that it's not too late to correct our mistakes. People are coming to realize the importance of the environment. And I believe that we will be able to save our environment and live in a better place.
International environment law.
you can read more at http://www.bangkokpost.com/